
The one-stop shop to see an actors growth from the moderately insane to stardom.

Monday, June 12, 2006

Time to play catch-up...

Well, here we go. I have decided to let my old domain go, so any past monthly news letters are going to that recycle trash can in the sky (or the one on my desktop). I have decided to play catch up with technology and get my own personal blog up for the world to see. I will still give you the in and outs of what is going on with my acting career, as well as little tidbits here and there. So, let's begin where I left off:

I have decided to start submitting my short film, "Lucidity", to any and all film festivals that will take me (PLEASE!!!). Actually, I am doing my homework on this one and have narrowed the playing field from over 2000 festivals out there to a strong 23. That number will probably go down once I look over all of the qualifying factors. Already in the mail and on the way to being judged, I have submitted to:

I will keep everyone abreast (what a weird word that is) as to what film festivals it gets into and when those will be.

Please put this blog in your favorites as this is the best way to keep abreast (there is that word again) of what is going on with my acting and my sanity.

Also, give me some time to get this page up and running. I like the way it looks right now, but I would love to make some changes and add more things I think you might enjoy.


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