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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A Working Actor's Lament (Chapter 37)

At Least The Audience Was "Lucid"

We had the second screening of "Lucidity" at the Friends of Film function in Pacific Palisades. We were lucky enough to be screened with two award winning films: "American Blackout" and "Cries from Ramah". "Blackout" is a documentary about voter tampering in the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections, following Senator Cynthia McKinney and her battle with her fellow constituents. "Cries" is a short film about two mothers who meet at a police station; one is the mother of an Israeli soldier and the other is a Palestinian whose son hangs out with the wrong crowd. Both are very touching and thought provoking. The director of "Cries", Loren E. Chadima, was in the audience and I got to talk to her about her film. It has the possibility to be nominated for an Academy Award for 2006. It was a great evening, and I think the audience really enjoyed themselves.

For a side note, Robin and I went to a medical "fair" where we could get tested for osteoporosis, blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol...the works. It turns out we are healthier than we both thought. I can't remember Robin's numbers, but they were not far from mine, which were:

Height - 5' 10"
Weight - 160 lbs
Blood Pressure - 134/74
Cholesterol - Lo (under 150)
Osteoporosis - 0.8 (good)

All in all, I should live to the healthy age of "dear, lord, would you look how old that guy is!"

Bring on the Big Macs.


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