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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A Working Actor's Lament (Chapter 50)

Santa Claus Isn't Related To Santa Barbara?

I think Santa was a little upset about my Christmas letter to him last month. Just when I thought he would give me a belated gift, he closes up his gift bag, climbs back up the chimney and dashes away on his sleigh leaving me to clean up after his reindeer. I received the following email from the Santa Barbara International Film Festival today:

Dear Sean Spence-

Thank you for your patience, and thank you so much for your submission to the 22nd Santa Barbara International Film Festival. Because we had nearly 2500 entries, we were not able to fit all the wonderful films that we received into our schedule; we regret that we were unable to include Lucidity. Best of luck with it though, and I hope to see your future films.

Best wishes,

Mike “Tak” Takeuchi
Programming Manager
Santa Barbara International Film Festival

Well, Santa, this is not over. I have a couple of letters out to Cupid and Marshmellow McBunny (or at least that is what this site says the Easter Bunny's name is), so hopefully they will give me some better luck. Not like we haven't had any luck with submitting the short film. "Lucidity" has been accepted into two out of nine festivals, which is 22% (well above the 4% that is the norm, or so I am told). So Cupie and MM, I am counting on you guys now...don't make me ask Stingy O'Farrell, the Holiday Leprechaun

In all seriousness, I beleive that in 2007 things are really going to happen for me. Whether it is with this film or not, I just have this feeling, so I will keep everyone posted. And I wanted to thank everyone who has been reading my blogs and sending their support. I have the best fans. :o)


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