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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Kramer Vs. Kramer...A Man Fighting His Demons

Alright, I am going to go on a rant and this will be the only time I ever mention this again. It is just something I need to get off my chest.

Michael Richards is a moron.

That said, can we all just move on? We all know he made some EXTREMELY stupid comments and his career is now over. He hasn't really worked as a actor since Seinfeld, he is a sub-standard comedian, and now one of the most profiled mentally handicapped people in America right now. Here is my many times does he need to go on TV and radio and publicly apologize before people will accept him again? I think 'never', so why does everyone want him to?

I think the 'n' word is THE most offensive word in the English language (I have only uttered it once because it was scripted in a play, and that was still a hurdle that was hard to jump), but I don't think we need to keep brow beating this ignorant comedian over the head with how wrong it was to use that word in this day and age. The longer we focus on what he said and parade him in front of the public, NO ONE will get past the racism that EVERYONE seems to want to get past. The longer this is talked about and made into public news, and I mean by every race and nationality, we will never become one HUMAN race.

Thanks for your get back to work.


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