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Friday, November 10, 2006

A Working Actor's Lament (Chapter 43)

Writing 101

If you have been keeping up with my past blogs, you might remember that my acting teacher has been allowing me write scenes that fellow actors put up in my class. If you haven't been keeping up with my past acting teacher has been allowing me write scenes that fellow actors put up in my class.

A month and a half ago, one of my scenes was put up and I wasn't in class that week. I heard it went over great so I was pretty bummed I missed it. Yesterday, I was lucky enough to be there to see two very talented actors put my words into a live scene. It was so weird to see it up there being given life by actors who had their take on what the scene meant to them. Just so you are not in the dark, here is the scene I wrote:

(entering the room) Tony.

How is she?

Nancy is having an ectopic pregnancy, which occurs when implantation and subsequent development of a fertilized ovum is outside the uterus. As the embryo develops, the fallopian tube is unable to expand and…

Dammit, Bill, you’re our friend, don’t talk to me like a doctor. What is going on?

There are complications that put both the baby and Nancy at risk. I’m sorry.

Is Nancy alright? Is my son…?

They’re both fine. We’re doing all we can…but there is a chance that hemorrhaging could occur.


I hate to do this to you, Tony, but if that does happen…we may have to focus on either Nancy or the baby.

Are you asking me to choose between my wife and my son? Are you?


You save them both…You make sure they both come out of the delivery room…You save them both, do you hear me?

Yeah, I hear you. I’ll do my best. (turns to walk away)

Bill? (long beat) My son. Save my boy.

I still have 4 more scenes that I have given my teacher for the class. I can't wait to see them. My teacher has told me that I can write dialogue, I just judge it too harshly. He told me that this scene is a very complicated scene for actors and it is up there with other medical dramas on TV right now. That put a smile on my face.

I don't think I want to be a writer for the industry; that is not where my passion is. However, it is something I truly enjoy and it keeps the creative juices flowing through me. I so have to make it in this town. Besides Robin, nothing makes me happier than being a part of this industry.


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