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Tuesday, October 03, 2006

A Working Actor's Lament (Chapter 39)

Can't Sing, Dance, or Act...Who Said I Wasn't A Triple Threat???

A couple of months ago, 1-800-Dentist was asked if the company employees would be interested in joining in a new CBS television show called "The Singing Office". The concept is two different companies compete to see who has the best singing group (5 people chosen out of everyone who sang from auditioning on the "fly"). They are sequestered for 4 days while they learn a song and dance routine then compete in front of the judges, and the best group wins a cash prize with the possibility of moving to the live show at the end of the series where all the winners from every week come back so America can pick the best "Singing Office".

Everyone had to sign either a 14 page contract (if you wanted to sing) or a 2 page contract (if you wanted to be filmed for the background). There were a handful of us (SAG actors) who didn't want to sign either contract because of the fine print so you won't be seeing either Robin or myself on the show. There is a story that goes along with our decision, but that can be a blog for another day.

Today, the producers took over our office and have been going from cubicle to cubicle and asking the people who signed the 14 page contract to sing. It has been an experience, especially for those who didn't sign a contract (having to duck and weave between the cameras). However, there is a good chance you will be able to see what I am talking about; since they have been here, it is a guarantee that if the show gets picked up, 1-800-Dentist will definitely get some free publicity on CBS. I will let you know when it will air so you can see the crazy people that I work with.


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