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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Working Actor's Lament (Chapter 41)

A Mime Is A Terrible Thing To Waste

So Robin and I are sitting at our computer waiting for the "Powers That Be" over at the Portland International Short Short Film Festival to update the website with the Audience and Jury Prize winners from the festival. We tried to make it up to Portland, but I guess there was a convention for US Citizens and everyone decided to go, because it would have cost us almost $1000 to travel 1000 miles, roundtrip. Oh well, I always considered myself a Canadian anyway.

We couldn't wait for the webmaster to earn their paycheck anymore, so Robin took it upon herself to call Tony, the guy in charge of the festival, and ask him personally. After responding with a couple of "uh huh's" and "okays", she looked over at me and shook her head...we did not win any awards at this festival. The awards went to "Pillow Girl", "Snoozer", "The Story of Bubbleboy", and "Mime Massacre", the heart-warming story of "one man's mission for vengeance on all mimes that explodes in a day of mimed bloodshed". We got some good news out of the whole experience: one of the employees who screened "Lucidity" for the festival emailed me and told me he "liked the short; it scared the crap out of me." Also, Tony told Robin since we were accepted this year, if we want to submit another film for next year we won't have to pay the submission fee. What a great thing to do for the filmmakers.

So I am off to write "The Mime Massacre II - The Story of Bubbyboy vs. Pillow Girl & Snoozer". It is sure to win next year!!!


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