
The one-stop shop to see an actors growth from the moderately insane to stardom.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

A Working Actor's Lament (Chapter 52)


The actor finally received the call..."We would like you to audition for our short film."

Was he hearing this right? He has been submitting like crazy for months with no response. Was it his new headshot? Was the word out that maybe he was getting to old for this? Was that hangnail ever going to stop hurting? The jury had been out for a while but finally came back with a verdict - "not guilty" on all counts. As he wiped his brow, he wondered just when the hangnail pain would subside.

Jackie, the producer of the short film "Life Bingo", informed the actor that auditions were on Sunday, January 14th at 1:00 PM. "Sure, I can be there" the actor said, not realizing that the playoffs were on and his new found favorite team, the Chicago Bears, were playing at that exact time. He would at least be able to see his Bears up to halftime, and hopefully they would be ahead so he would not be stressed. Little did he know, that was not going to happen.

As he left his apartment, he was in good spirits...his Bears were up at halftime 21-14. He noticed he had a little more spring in his step as he got out of his and walked up to the theater where he would try for the role of Norman, the nebbish loser who (possibly) gets killed by a street gang. He made his choices and showed them what he could do. They even asked him to try it a different way, which, in the back of his mind, was a good thing. He took the direction, thanked them for calling him in and hurried home to see how the game ended.

As he walked in the door and turned on the TV, he knew it was going to be a good day. His Bears were jumping up and down and cheering. They had pulled out the win in overtime by a score of 27-24. Now if only they can get by New Orleans next week, they will be back in the Superbowl once again.


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