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Friday, January 05, 2007

Strep Yourself In, It's Going To Be A Long Week

Have I ever mentioned how lucky Robin is to have me? Let me just say that I know how to take care of her. Example? Sure.

Tuesday, she woke up and said she wasn't feeling that good, but, like always, I could not convince her to stay in bed and take the day off of work. I know when I have a fever of 98.7, it usually takes a herd of wild horses to get me out of bed, but Robin always gives me an Advil and tells me to suck it up.

That day at work, I could tell she was hurting and once we got home, things started to heat up. She laid on the couch and took her temperature...99 point something. I knew we were in trouble since her temperature is usually a degree below normal on a daily basis. I gave her some water and some Advil (I'd learned from the best), but a half hour later her temperature was 102.4, which triggered me to worry. I thought to myself "she is going to burn the apartment down and I don't even have a working fire extinguisher". That's it, I will buy a fire extinguisher and use it on Robin. I grabbed the car keys and started for the door when Robin said we should call our doctor and maybe he could diagnose her over the phone. I put down my keys and gave the number to UrgentCare to Robin, upset that in my 38 years I still have yet to use a fire extinguisher. Don't they look like they would be fun?

Anyway, she called the doctor and he asked her if she had any spots on the back of her throat. She wasn't feeling the best, so she asked me to look. I didn't see any spots but I think her back Molar looked a little impacted, so I handed the flashlight back to Robin and went into my tool chest to get my pliers. That Molar was coming out tonight.

She took the flashlight and went to the mirror where she noticed she actually did have spots on the back of the throat (but she did miss the impacted Molar). The doctor informed her that she had Strep Throat and that she needed to start antibiotics immediately. She wondered if I needed any medication to prevent me getting Strep, too. I told her that if the doctor could prescribe Cialis, Zoloft and Olanzapine to me, that would be great. The doctor didn't seem to think I was in any danger living with what could only be described as a forest fire at the Braille Institute, so he prescribed Doxycycline for only Robin...I hate my HMO.

So I go to the local CVS Pharmacy, pick up 20 blue pills for my wife and head home. When I arrive, my wife is laying on the couch laughing. She has such a cute laugh that I can't help but start laughing with her. We laughed and laughed and laughed for about 5 minutes when I realized that she was actually crying. I guess she felt terrible and couldn't help herself. I laughed for about 10 more minutes, dried my own eyes and proceeded to take care of my sick wife for the rest of the night.

Yes, my lucky lady indeed.


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