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Friday, February 02, 2007

A Working Actor's Lament (Chapter 54)

A Lake Full Of Tears

Once again, we received another email that could be construde as Spam. I am beginning to feel numb over the emails I receive from film festivals these days. Here is the latest:

"Dear Filmmaker,

I can't believe it's already the deadline for my least favorite job ever, sending out E-mails letting filmmakers know that their films were not selected for The Lake County Film Festival.

After hearing from filmmakers that brief is beautiful, let me just say that there are a lot of very well done films that we didn't have room for. It seems the minimum quality of submissions has gone up substantially.

I also wanted to mention that we are working on multiple events during the course of the year, so you may be hearing from us again.

Also, especially for short films, you may hear from us next year if we have a program that we think you might fit in. Several films submitted last year went back out to screeners this year (a few ended up making it in).

Thanks so much for submitting.

-- Nat
Lake County Film Festival

So that makes "Lucidity's" record 2 for 11 (18%) for acceptance into film festivals. Still well above the 4% that I was quoted, but I would love the number to start heading in the opposite direction. As always, I will keep you posted on other festivals we hear from.


  • At 11:21 AM, Blogger Media Obscura said…

    Do you know what SPAM is?

    SPAM is when someone sends you unsolicited E-mail, usually advertising a product or service.

    A rejection letter is something filmmakers require, so they know if their film is playing or not. Not sending out out is a major faux pas in the film world.

    So, please don't tell me that I am sending you something that can be construde (sic) as Spam.

    And yes, your 18% is actually quite successful.

  • At 12:19 PM, Blogger Just A Day In My Life said…

    I did not mean for anyone to take offense to my commenting on the rejection letter. It was just my way of venting.

    It was my error in calling the letter "spam" and I hope my blog has not offended you.

    It is admirible that you Google your name or the festival to keep up with what is being said about both. I will not delete your comment so that others may see your passion for the festival circuit and how much you care about the Lake County Film Festival.

    Again, my apologies.

    Sean Spence


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