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Monday, February 05, 2007

Was It Really a "Super" Bowl?

I stood there, like I always do when I watch a sporting event on the tube. I have always wondered why I purchased the sofa and love seat, two pieces of furniture that get no use when the TV Gods decide to broadcast my team over the airwaves. This particular event, the Super Bowl, was to be watched elsewhere. I just hope that no offence would be taken by the lack of my derriere on any kind of fabric.

The kickoff started off the game and within 24 seconds, the Bears had already scored. What was going on? Did the Bears hear my cries of joy? I would soon find out that they did not. While I was enjoying the one, and only, great play that Chicago brought to this rain-soaked field in Florida, that is when they began.

I have to say that before I was adopted into my wife's fan club of Chicago Bear fanatics, I was a Browns fan. Yes, I know, and thank you for your sympathy. So, the only reason for me to ever set foot into a Super Bowl party was to check out the cute and expensive commercials that would only air this one time. While everyone would be talking about football ("Did you just see that play?", "That was pure luck.", "Where are the beers?"), that is when I would focus on the commercials. This year was a little different since I had a reason to talk during the commercials myself. I did seem to glance out the corner of my eye and pull my ear a little closer to the television for a couple of them, but alas, it was futile. I would have to wait till after the game and search the Internet for some, if not all, of them.

Yes, the game was up and down with emotions of jubilee and disappointment (my Bears were up 7-6, then 14-6, 14-13, 14-16, 17-22, 17-29). However, with all of the crying of a team losing, there were those little tears that streamed across my face that were forced out from the laughter of 30 second spots, for who could resist lions having a conversation about carne asada and Ricardo Montalban? Bless you, Taco Bell...bless you. Now if only I could sit down and relax.


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