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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Working Actor's Lament (Chapter 55)

Spreading Myself Too Thin...Like A Big Stick Of Butta

I have decided that my acting career has been put on the back burner. I have been focusing too much on other actor's trying to make it and not on my own. My days were being taken up with shooting headshots, photoshopping those headshots, editing actor's reels, trying to produce my own shorts that I have written and want to direct, etc...enough is enough. I realized that the last acting I did, outside of acting class, was the small part I did in "Lucidity"...11 MONTHS AGO!!!

The other day, Backstage (an actor's trade paper) contacted me about still blogging for them. After thinking about it long and hard, I decided to turn down their offer of blogging three times a week about being an actor in California. I mean, what acting have I done???? What would I blog about??? There was nothing, and now I had to write about nothing 3 times a week??? Tony, my contact at the paper, was really nice to me on the phone and said he really enjoyed my writing and I could send in anything that pertained to acting anytime I wanted, but it would be as a "Guest Blogger". I told him that would be great, knowing that the pay just went from $250 to $0.00, and I was happy about that.

Hanging up the phone, it hit me that this was the first thing I had done that made me happy in a long time. I was so busy trying to make others happy about their pursuits in this industry that I totally forgot about my own happiness. I think this was the first step on my (hopefully) short journey back into the Hollywood lights.


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